Military Organization, Structure and Performance among the Karrayyu Oromo

  • Ginbar Negera Kumsa Adama Science and Technology Universty
  • Samuel Negash
Keywords: military, conflict, Karrayyu, pastoralists


The Karrayyu have been varyingly portrayed as people wandering to confront others or who lived in conflict hotspots and were sympathetic to military violence. Other scholars who have showed positive compassion to the Karrayyu have not dared to tell us how their military performance scaffolds their exit strategy from violent conflict and for maintaining them resilience. The Karrayyu maintain their views the conflict in the valley land largely emanated from the Karrayyu’s opposition against repressive multilayered actors who are assaulting them, confiscating their lands, and raiding their livestock. Among other issues, this study aims to reveal the Karrayyu military organization, structure, and performance succumbing to the gadaa system and what this will contribute to understanding them in humanity. The study was conducted by undertaking a historical research approach of analytical narrative and descriptive protocols. The study findings indicate that Karrayyu have formulated their military systems shaped by their local contexts and martial principles, codes, and taboos observed for all humans embedded in the egalitarian Gadaa system. Results of the study also indicate that, beyond the pastoralists’ stereotypic imaginary representations, the Karrayyu practice of military performance is an agency for mitigating circumstances and intermediate their resiliencies for maintaining survival. The researcher recommends such a study on the Karrayyu vantage point will contribute to bridging the existing gap and address prevailing flaws in the area.

How to Cite
Kumsa, G., & Negash, S. (2023). Military Organization, Structure and Performance among the Karrayyu Oromo. Ethiopian Journal of Science and Sustainable Development, 10(2), 47-59.